Updated Autolily Script

UPDATE July 24, 2010: This post is now totally obsolete. See this post instead.

This is an update to my previous post. Now, Autolily’s single argument is no longer required to be the bare *.ly filename itself, but instead may optionally include a path! See the embedded comments in the source code below. Enjoy!

 1 #!/usr/bin/ruby
 2 #===============================================================================================================#
 3 # Program name: Autolily                                                                                        #
 4 # LICENSE: PUBLIC DOMAIN                                                                                        #
 5 # This program takes 1 argument, the name of a lilypond file (*.ly), and watches it for changes every 1 second. #
 6 # If there has been any change, it simply calls lilypond on it to create a new .pdf/.ps/.midi of it.            #
 7 #                                                                                                               #
 8 # Place this script somewhere, like in ~/scripts                                                                #
 9 # Then, open up a terminal and call it like so: ~/scripts/autolily.rb [file]                                    #
10 # [file] must be a LilyPond file (.ly), but it can be located anywhere -- i.e., you may include paths in your   #
11 # file, such as "~/sheet-music/classical/bach2.ly" or "../../bach3.ly".                                         #
12 #                                                                                                               #
13 # You might want to do a "sudo ln -s" of autolily.rb to one of your system's $PATH directories (e.g., /usr/bin) #
14 # to avoid typing out the path to autolily.rb every time you use it. Continuing the example from above,         #
15 # something like "sudo ln -s ~/scripts/autolily.rb /usr/bin/autolily" should do (make sure that                 #
16 # /usr/bin/autolily does not exist already, as the above comman will overwrite that file if it exists).         #
17 #                                                                                                               #
18 # Now you can just do:                                                                                          #
19 #                                                                                                               #
20 #     autolily [file]                                                                                           #
21 #                                                                                                               #
22 # from anywhere in your system!                                                                                 #
23 #                                                                                                               #
24 # To exit, press CTRL-C.                                                                                        #
25 #===============================================================================================================#
27 if ARGV.size > 0
28     file_data_orig = ""
29     file = ARGV.shift
30     pathsize = file.split("/").size
31     ls_call = "ls --full-time"
33     # make sure that the "file" variable is a filename, and not mixed with its path
34     if pathsize > 1
35         path_to_file = file.split("/").first(pathsize - 1).join("/")
36         file = file.split("/").last
37         ls_call << " #{path_to_file}" # modify our `ls` command to reflect relative location of file
38     end
40     `#{ls_call}`.split("\n").each do |line|
41         if line.split(/\s/).last == file
42             file_data_orig = line
43             break
44         end
45     end
46     file_data_new = ""
48     # enter infinite loop -- keep compiling the given lilypond file if it has changed in the past 1 second
49     while true
50         # detect the file size and also timestamp
51         lsarr = `#{ls_call}`.split("\n")
52         lsarr.shift # get rid of the first line, since that is the size of all the files in the directory
54         # find our file from ls's output!
55         lsarr.each do |line|
56             if line.split(/\s/).last == file
57                 file_data_new = line
58                 break
59             end
60         end
62         # if there is any change detected, run lilypond on it
63         if file_data_orig != file_data_new
64             puts "\n\e[1;4;38;5;226mAutolily: Change detected in given file; invoking lilypond...\e[0m\n"
65             if pathsize > 1
66             `lilypond "#{path_to_file}/#{file}"`
67             else
68             `lilypond "#{file}"`
69             end
70             file_data_orig = file_data_new
71         end
72         sleep 1
73     end
74 else
75     puts "No .ly file specified.\n"
76 end